A leader's role is to align the team around a common vision and move everyone in the same direction despite the rough terrain encountered.
Culture refers to shared values, beliefs, behavior and practices that shape how it operates. When healthy, culture connects through volunteers, donors and stakeholders. Together, they focus energy and resources on the shared vision and mission.
“People like us do things like this.”
-Seth Godin
You can explicitly define and communicate aspirational values. But it’s the implicit behavior, attitudes and engagement of leaders, staff and volunteers that create culture.
Culture influences an organization's effectiveness. When your culture is healthy, your team rows together in the same direction. Members are open to debate with each other. They call each other out if performance or behavior needs corrected. Their focus is on the shared good of the organization.

Key Cultural Drivers
Mission Driven Focus drives decisions, use of resources, and direction
Values guide attitudes and behavior of leaders, staff & volunteers
Leadership & Governance shape and maintain an environment where values can thrive
Alignment & Collaboration depends on clear communication and teamwork
Culture isn’t about the walls you’re in, it’s about what happens with people between them.”
- Gapingvoid
Creating a nurturing environment that aligns passionate people around the shared mission is your challenge.
Where can your culture improve?
To your success,
Wes Legg
