Clarify Your Message
Grow Champions
Transform Lives
Nonprofits depend on Champions
to contribute money, time and resources
to your mission.
It's challenging to
Connect, Retain, &
Grow Champions.
Without Champions,
the mission struggles.
StoryBrand Message
Create a clear simple story that makes the Champion a Hero through your organization
Update Your Website
Use StoryBrand soundbites to create focused landing pages; connecting Champions
to your mission
Grow Champions
Champions contribute their resources to the shared mission ...and invite their friends to join them in contributing
StoryBrand helps you
Create short simple, soundbites
So Champions will listen

StoryBrand 7-Part Framework
Character (Champion: Donor | Volunteer | Community Partner)
With a Problem
Meets a Guide Who Understands Their Fear
Who Gives Them a Plan
The Guide Calls the Champion to Action
So the Champion Can Avoid Failure
And Experiences Success (Transformation)
The 7-part framework allows you to clarify your message, and invite Champions into an amazing story in which they contribute to the mission.
Understanding StoryBrand Messaging
is the first step to creating clarity.
Implementing StoryBrand Messaging
is the most important step to growing mission impact.
Update your Website Landing Pages

Your website is the gateway to future Champions.
If your website is confusing, the visitor leaves.
If your site fails to connect, opportunity is lost,
resources decline, the mission struggles.
Visitors look for a clear message,
how you solve their problem.
Invite Champions into a Story where they are the Hero
StoryBrand focuses your message on making Champions the Hero. Their contribution grows mission impact.
Create an effective
Website Landing Page
When you create clarity with a simple clear message, Champions connect to your mission through your messaging.
Grow Champions, Revenue & Mission
Champions join your nonprofit to contribute their resources to
grow the shared mission.

Clarify Your Message
StoryBrand Messaging Framework
1. Quit Making Things Up!
StoryBrand 7-Step Framework invites Your customers into a story where they are the hero.
Learn the StoryBrand Messaging Framework
Filter the message through the Framework to create a Messaging & Marketing campaign.
Execute the messaging through your website, emails, social media, fundraising, volunteer campaign, grant proposals, message to customers and community.
2. Update Your Website Landing Page
Your website is the first place people inspect.
After completing your StoryBrand Message Framework, improve your website landing page
using the message you created.
With a clear message
Champions will listen and
Revenue & mission impact will grow.
8 - Coaching Sessions
Weekly frequency recommended
limited time discount
$2495 - $225 =
Business Made Simple with
StoryBrand Messaging Framework
On-Demand Courses
1-year subscription
Between coaching sessions,
take StoryBrand on-demand
courses as you clarify your message
Money Back Guarantee
If you don't feel like the coaching is actionable in your business, simply contact Wes Legg and your money will be refunded less any subscription fees.
"How we communicate is how we succeed.
Communication is often misunderstood.
It is the thing you do after the decision has been made.
It is the delivery of data.
It is done to get people on the same page.
In fact, communication is the fundamental principle of
how great leaders become great leaders."
- gapingvoid.com