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Leading your organization shouldn't be confusing.

You can create clarity & grow mission impact.

Wes Legg
Guide | Coach

My passion is helping leaders create clarity and grow their organization.


If you’re spending too much time putting out fires and not enough time connecting with and serving customers, you likely need simple proven tools to focus your operation on implementing your plan.


I've worn many hats during my career: small business owner, nonprofit executive director, solo entrepreneur, volunteer, and guide. The more I've done, the more I've failed. The more I've failed, the more I've learned and grown. 


I've learned the importance of focus, clarity, communication, problem solving, and keeping things simple. And taking action.


For over a decade I've worked alongside leaders, helping them clarify their story and create action plans that grow revenue, alignment, and mission impact. I work with nonprofit leaders and small business owners as a Business Made Simple coach.


As a leader, you shouldn't have to struggle. Learn about tools that help you create clarity, alignment, grow revenue & mission impact.


Invest 30 minutes to begin the conversation. 


Book a free discovery call so we can get to know each other and determine the next steps to building a healthy sustainable organization.


Wes Legg

Eldred Legg L.L.C.

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"What is the main event today?

What do you want me to focus on?

- John Maxwell

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